
Real Estate

Conveyance fees are four ($4) dollars per thousand of the purchase price

Real Estate taxes are “ad valorem” taxes.  This means that they are based on the fair market value of the property.  The County Auditor is responsible for determining this value by studying the market people create as they buy and sell property.  Due to low unemployment and low interest rates, people are currently paying more and more for real estate.  The Ohio Department of Taxation orders the Auditor to adjust property values to reflect this market every three years.

Real estate taxes support local services and facilities such as: schools, roads, fire departments, park districts, and county, city, village and township governments. Mental health services, child protective services and services for the mentally handicapped are largely dependent on real estate tax levies.

Real estate taxes are calculated by multiplying the market value times 35% and then applying the correct tax rate corresponding to the location of the property.  There are 23 taxing districts in Hocking County, each with its own rate.  The tax rate is comprised of voted and unvoted levies.  In Ohio, no property owner may be charged with more than 10 mills of unvoted levies which are imposed by the local governments and school boards.  Voters determine the voted portion of the tax rate when they cast their vote.


Real Property Conveyance Fee Statement of Value and Receipt (DTE 100)

Statement of Conveyance Homestead Property (DTE 101)

Real Estate Exempt Conveyance Form (DTE 100EX)

Application for the Partial Exemption of a Qualifying Child Care Center (DTE 105J)

Notice of Approval or Denial of an Application for the Partial Exemption (DTE 106F)